
As Baker walked home late one night, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being followed. He turned around and saw a shadow moving behind him. He quickened his pace, but his stalker matched his steps. Baker began to feel a sense of dread deep in his gut. Who was following him? And more importantly, why?

The shadow became more defined, and Baker saw that it was a tall and imposing figure. He tried to run, but his legs wouldn’t move. He was frozen in fear. The shadowy figure reached out a hand, and Baker couldn’t help but scream.

It was all a dream, or at least that’s what Baker thought until he woke up with a start. He calmed himself down and tried to shake off the feeling of unease. But as he got ready for work, he noticed something strange. His front door was unlocked.

Baker knew he had locked the door before going to bed. He checked around the house and found nothing out of place. He put it down to forgetfulness, but the feeling of unease stayed with him all day. He couldn’t help but look over his shoulder every few minutes. And then, a strange thing happened.

As he was walking down the street, he was swept away by a sense of deja vu. He knew this street, but he had never been there before. He realized that he was standing outside the very house he had seen in his dream. He couldn’t help but question his sanity.

As he continued to stare at the house, the front door opened, and the tall shadowy figure walked out. Baker couldn’t move, he was paralyzed by fear. The figure walked towards him, and he knew that his worst nightmare was about to be realized.

But, to his surprise, the figure walked right past him and disappeared into the darkness. Baker breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking, but he knew that the figure would come back. His nightmare had become his reality.

Over the next few days, Baker noticed strange occurrences happening around him. His keys would go missing, his alarm would go off for no reason, and he would hear strange noises emanating from his home. The feeling of dread he felt on the first night was becoming more and more real.

One day, Baker received a package addressed to him. He opened it and found a videotape. He had no idea where it came from, but his curiosity got the better of him. He inserted the tape into the VCR and was horrified by what he saw. The tape was shot from outside his bedroom window. It showed him sleeping, but there was someone standing over him. That person was the shadowy figure that had been following him.

Baker realized that he was in grave danger. He didn’t know who was behind this, but he knew one thing for sure. He needed to get out of there. He packed his bags and left the house, never to return.

Years later, Baker discovered the truth behind the events that had transpired. The person behind it was someone he had known all his life. Someone he trusted. It was a friend who had fallen on hard times. He had become obsessed with Baker’s life, and the only way he could feel alive again was by making Baker feel afraid.

Baker was lucky to have escaped with his life, but the experience had scarred him for life. He never slept soundly again, and the memory of the shadowy figure haunted him forever.

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